New! Premium Burgundy | Medium-Soft 100% Boar Bristle | Crown Original 360 Wave Brush


*New Gold Engraved logo’s

*New Longer Bristle Bed

*New Extra Lustrous Piano Lacquer Finish

*New - Original CQP 2011 Bristles

360 waves in days! Achieve that well groomed look fast. Nothings beats an original. One of CQP’s TOP SELLERS. Premium Boar Bristles lays hair with ease. Adds luster and shine to hair. Trains and polishes hair. Great for all hair lengths.

The Ultimate Choice for those who desire the top-of-the-line grooming experience. Crown Quality Products, the inventors and originators of the Curved Wave Brush, have mastered the right trajectory, curvature, design, density and bristle length that produces the most phenomenal results of any grooming utensil on the market. Whether you want to wrap your hair, straighten your hair, or obtain the best wave pattern imaginable, Crown Quality Product Brushes will definitely bring you to your desired results.

  • 100% Premium Boar Bristle

  • Effortlessly trains and lays hair

  • Adds luster and shine

  • Comes with free brush cleaner

Designed by R.A.W


Crown Quality Pro - “One of my favorite brushes, my second must have brush behind the medium crown. It has all boar bristles but is still a little stiff, it feels rally good on the scalp. it trains and lays at the same time. If you cut your hair low, and begin with this brush, your waves will automatically go into rows.”

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